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Electric Curved Glass Warmer – Large


Glass warmer for sale in South Africa and Africa. The Body is stainless steel and has tempered glass construction with chrome plated wire shelve. It has four sides clear glass with front curved glass and internal light for excellent presentation. The Warmer has Even heat distribution over the entire cabinet by ventilating hot air in and out.

The warmer is used to keep food warm whilst displaying your food items with style. It has an easy to use thermostat controller unit which helps the owner with the temperature. The luxury warming showcase design makes food heat efficiently, it keeps food fresh & delicious, the transparent glass lets food to display at its fullest.

Warmers are perfect for starting up a sweet shop beacuse it preserves your food and displays it wonderfully thanks to the intricate curved design of the glass. Your customers will love it each and every time they enter your house or store.

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Glass warmer for sale in South Africa and Africa. The Body is stainless steel and has tempered glass construction with chrome plated wire shelve. It has four sides clear glass with front curved glass and internal light for excellent presentation. The Warmer has Even heat distribution over the entire cabinet by ventilating hot air in and out.

The warmer is used to keep food warm whilst displaying your food items with style. It has an easy to use thermostat controller unit which helps the owner with the temperature. The luxury warming showcase design makes food heat efficiently, it keeps food fresh & delicious, the transparent glass lets food to display at its fullest.

Warmers are perfect for starting up a sweet shop beacuse it preserves your food and displays it wonderfully thanks to the intricate curved design of the glass. Your customers will love it each and every time they enter your house or store.

The Temperature ranges from 30 to 85 degrees all with a stainless steel body. Suitable for bakeries, takeaways and convenience stores. This attractive unit with illuminated display and superb product visability offers excellent point-of-sale value. Has front and rear sliding glass doors providing easy access.
Includes a humidity pan preventing drying of product.

The High-grade shape, luxury and beauty, space saving design, all of this at the cheapest price, this product is the most suitable for medium small snack shops and cake bakeries. Its Modern design is fused with luxury and beauty all at the same time.

This unit is good for any supermarket or fast food outlet looking to keep food warm. Thermostatically controlled
Includes front mounted gauge indicator and rear sliding doors.

Ideal for any operation requiring that food be served on warm plates, double skin stainless steel construction reduces heat loss, adjustable plate guides, adjustable spring tension and temperature control via thermostat.